Partner Profile: Victoria Public Market
In 2013, the Victoria Public Market opened just north of downtown Victoria as a unique shopping venue featuring local vendors. The Market’s mission is to support and grow smaller local companies by providing a community-run space to sell their artisan goods. Home to a number of permanent vendors, the Market showcases a diverse range of locally sourced and farm-fresh food, handcrafted goods, and often a space for live entertainment and community events.
Throughout the past couple of years, Victoria Public Market has welcomed new vendors like The Bikery, Spice it Up and Dhaga Fashions and helped current vendors like Shatterbox, Roast, La Pasta La Pizza, and The Very Good Butchers to expand their space and offerings. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Victoria Public Market has shifted towards a community co-op model of all the tenants running the market together. Dividing up the extra roles and responsibilities, the tenants are working together to keep things fresh.
The Market not only offers a one-stop local shopping experience, but brings forward excellent community initiatives through the Community Kitchen to support businesses that are just starting out, and provide a rentable commercial kitchen open to the public. The Community Kitchen is a multi-use space open for vendor product preparation and both private and public courses in cooking, sustainable living, and artisan craft-making. The Kitchen is available seven days a week and can be rented during or after hours at the Public Market.
The Victoria Public Market has been a partner to Victoria Beer Week since the very beginning, hosting the first-ever Beer Week and opening the doors for many excellent years of events to follow. Come try out the vendors’ delicious creations at Victoria Beer Week’s Barrels & Casks and Dubbel Down.